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FreeBuilder <-Back to home

Frequently Asked Questions

What is FreeBuilder?
FreeBuilder is a project to create a 100% Java(tm) IDDE (Integrated Development and Debugging Environment). It spawned from the ongoing morbid discussion on JavaLinux about the dearth of useful Java tools for Linux (free or otherwise).

Current State
FreeBuilder is not even in Alpha. This is a prototype that displays the future direction of development.

Development model
Throwaway Prototype

FreeBuilder is licenced under the GPL

How do I get it?
The FreeBuilder Project is at http://www.freebuilder.org

For version that works with JAVA 2
cvs co -r fb-1-2 freebuilder
Current Features:
Simple text editor and project manager.

whats pizza.jar ? what functionality does it give the program ?
Pizza is from a research project which adds parameterized type to the Java language. I guess maybe the original idea is to use another compiler which source is available.

Future Features:
Integrate InfoBus into freebuilder: see Moses DeJong example at http://www.cs.umn.edu/~dejong/freebuilder

Frequently asked problems
How do I make/build freebuilder?

How do I start freebuilder?
Under java 1.1
First insure that your classpath environment variable contains the paths to your JDK and Swing classes. An example of a classpath might be...

Linux - CLASSPATH = /usr/jdk1.1.7/lib/classes.zip:/usr/swing1.0.3/swingall.jar

Windows CLASSPATH = c:jdk1.1.7libclasses.zip;c:swing1.0.3swingall.jar

Next make sure your current directory is the root FreeBuilder directory. (i.e. /usr/local/freebuilder or c:freebuilder). Then use the following command to start FreeBuilder...

Linux - java -classpath ./:./lib/pizza.jar:$CLASSPATH org.freebuilder.Main

Windows java -classpath ./;./lib/pizza.jar;CLASSPATH org.freebuilder.Main

solutions problems when starting freebuilder

solutions problems while running freebuilder
Who is your frendly faq maintainer:

Currently it is WeoLopez. I am looking for a more experienced person to maintian the faq.

Who is supporting it: FreeBuilderTeam

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