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Getting Product Source Code

This is an open source project. This article provides more information for developers and users to obtain source code. This download page is organized by product.

Product/Description Articles
AJavaGpaCalculator (GregSchenzel) This is a customizeable GPA Calulator that maintains a data file for your settings (class names, grades, etc...). I will add the source code when it looks better. Product has been tested with Sun JDK 1.3 on MS Windows 2000. .
BootDisk - Make your own Etherboot or GRUB boot disk. Tested with both Linux(r) and Windows(tm). DownloadBootDisk
BTJ 0.0.4#pre6 (AkiBobo akibobo@backtojava.org) 08-30-2000 - A ClassFile / ByteCode editor : handling, decompiling, statistics, complexity analysis... http://www.backtojava.org/BTJ.html .
BulkMake - A collection of package-oriented tools for Java programming. AboutBulkMake; DownloadBulkMake
BytecodeNativeInterface (BCNI) - This class library provides a platform-independent mechanism for a virtual machine to interface with platform-dependent classes. .
CjOS - This is a prototype of a Java-based operating system distributed under the GNU General Public License. CjOSPages
GsCalculator (GregSchenzel) This is a nifty little calculator. It will take keyboard input for all functions, except "-/+" and "Clr". .
JExplorer ( InigoGonzalez ) - The file browser first version. .
Jext 2.10(RomainGuy guy.romain@bigfoot.com) 12-03-2000 - A fully featured programmer's text editor. Website: http://jext.sourceforge.net .
JJOS - An alpha kernel is ready for download! The Binaries are basically built Etherboot and GRUB boot kernels. These are for testing purposes only. Thank you Corrado Santoro for doing the build and putting it up on your site. JJOSAndBinaryEdition; JJOSPages
JOS Media Player 1.0 beta (Matthew Schmidt jazilla@users.sourceforge.net) - View your images and media files. Binary and Source: http://www.jmonkey.com/~mschmidt/jos/downloads/jos-media.jar .
JOS Technical Edition - A new technical distribution is designed each quarter. The latest release is 1k. A limited version is available on-line at http://cjos.sourceforge.net/redist/ . AboutJOSTechnicalEdition; JOSDistribution1k
NewLine (GregSchenzel) This nifty little utility will change newLine characters from one standard to the other. The supplied run.bat or run.sh file will convert the readme. .
SmartAPI - This class library provides an object factory which is reconfigurable at runtime. AboutSmartAPI; DownloadSmartAPI
WebSource(tm) - Generate static HTML pages from Java source code. DownloadWebSource
UniversalBrowser - AWT-based browser environment distributed with Smart API. Sample browsers include Applet Browser, Connection Browser, Desktop Browser, Finder Browser, PlainText Browser, Program Browser, Property Browser and Token Browser. Sample programs include Find, SmartList, TextSearch and many more. AboutUniversalBrowser

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