Hello All,
I'm a corporate IS programmer for a large mega-evil corporation. (which I shall not name to protect the guilty). I do Oracle, HP-UX, NT, Linux (once upon a time I did OS/2 as well), soon I shall even install Solaris. I know:
- DBASE III+ (once upon a time)
- Quick Basic (once upon a time)
- Visual Basic (sucks but it pays the bills)
- C
- ASM (once upon a time)
- C++
- Java (1.1, JFC, JDBC)
- Shell scripting (not really a language but what the hell)
I have done everything from device drivers to NT Services to full-scale applications... I tend to be a strong believer in design.
I'd like to do some design work for JOS (archetecture, etc) and lower level stuff... I like doing the meaty stuff and leave the prettying up to someone artistic d:op>. My email is acoliver@bigfoot.com, however if your not a frigging advertiser I'll give you an email that I actually check frequently. (this email addy goes to an account called barelyreadspam at my ISP)..
ICQ: 5088650
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