I've been absent from JOS for a while now, just getting back. I've moved from Pittsburgh, PA to Mountain View, CA (Silicon Valley). I just started my new job at Magnifi on 9/21/98. I'll be working on Java GUI clients. Pretty cool stuff to get paid to do.
I have a pretty eclectic background: Bachelor's degrees in English Lit and Computer Science, was a journeyman house painter, was a graphic artist doing advertising design, was involved with a couple grassroots environmental groups, and now this.
Since I graduated college, I have about 5 years experience with OOA&D, OO programming, and the vagaries of "real world" software development.
I've been attracted to the free software movement for a long time, especially the larger projects like FSF and Linux, but I never found a niche that clicked for me.
Currently, I'm working on garbage collection for a mostly-Java VM.
Welcome Back! How is the weather on the Left Coast? :) -adric
I hope you don't mind, Bill. I fixed your e-mail address. And remember it looks like Wiki does it by itself. Example: mine ir relromeo@geocities.com <-I didn't use mailto:. - RogerPet