Sr. Software Engineer currently working for BTG Inc. Programming in Java since January 96 (which I suppose makes me an old timer). Prior to that had many years of experience with C,C++,Tck/TK,Unix/Network Security/Administration, and Sybase/RDBMS Development/DBA issues.
Java experience concentrating on design/development of multi-tier, open, and secure information collaboration environments. Including multi-threaded network servers, UDP and TCP transmission of data and/or Java objects (via serialization), and Database (Sybase, Oracle, and M$ Access) connectivity. Currently using a lot of RMI and the new JCE (Java Crypto Extension). Limited experience with Java/CORBA integration and well versed in the issues involved.
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ICQ - 2219881
JOS Projects:
-- JosCommunicationBusArchitecture
-- MassivelyExtensibleServiceSystem
-- JosProjectNamingServices w/ StefanBorg