I discovered JOS by googling for "java operating system". I'm searching for an operating system in which all user-visible resources are full-fledged objects (methods and data), not dumb data to which behaviors (methods) are attached via separate "application" resources as in every OS to date (Smalltalk, Oberon and MacOSX come close but I'm concentrating on Java for now).
I need something like this to support the "Objects as Property" notion described in my second book, "Superdistribution: Objects as Property on the Electronic Frontier" and as implemented in the "MyBank Digital Rights Management Feasibility Demonstration at http://virtualschool.edu/mybank.
My specific need is a framework (OS?) for providing demos of this system, which may be less ambitious than JOS's intentions. Perhaps all I need is a GUI that presents a desktop interface to a MacOSX filesystem, in which all resources (programs and data) are implemented as jar files.
I've no idea yet whether JOS meets this need. I'm still trying to find my way through this website and have so far found nothing tangible to download and try out. Still lost in the maze of twisty little passages...
Any suggestions of where to go to get started would be appreciated.