(Summarized 2/9/99, DigiGod)
- File System
- We need a place to store information about what is installed on the system, and where it "lives"
- We need to have a place to store version information so we can Update the system
- We need a place to store the data files of our users, assuming we have users.
- We may want a place to put the swapfile, should we use Virtual Memory.
- We need a place to put the JOS .zip, .jar, or (maybe .java or) .class files
- Store data in a relational database accesed via URL
- We need an OO file-system, everything in JOS should be an object
- We should implement the JEB interfaces. (Persistant Storage, Tx management, etc)
- Instead of storying data in files it should be one big hyperlinked "document"
- UIs
- Data that can be accesed by more then one agent could have a default or a menu where the user could select the program to use
- The GUI (XUI?) should be just like the Brain
- We should have native Swing and AWT widgets (the Pure Java ones could be used on computers that we dont have ports for)
- A good CLI is crucial
- Agents
- Build the agent application as a framework
- Serveresque
- All Dæmons should be Servlets
- The OS should be a server and the applications clients (click here)
- WorkingGroups we should have
- a ServerGroup that makes sure JOS could be used as both a PC and a server, and under that:
- a DaemonGroup that creates Servlets that will be JOS's Dæmons
- Networking
- Use a library of RMI classes to easily transfer data between to computers via a server
- data is tagged so a server can redirect or store as needed
- Kernel &VM's
- The VM should be split into two layers
- Lower level: memory managment, thread control, etc.
- Upper level: stuff needed to run a proccess
- This would allow the different processes to each have their own, seperate, upper level VM conerving system resources by not copying the "simple stuff"
- Security
- You should only need to log-in to access secured data, otherwise it should be unnessecary
- Logging-off shouldn't involve shutting down
- Formats
- Documents should be able to be split up into chunks of pages so you can work on part of your file on your palm/lap-top
Stuff that Im not sure I understand and hence can't summarize:
The files should be stored in *.jar files resident on the "localhost". I think the idea here is to create "web entities" from a very small beginning. have the core class in a *.jar file which is extracted as needed by some sort of "manifest reader" for the archive to get the necessary classes.
--CavelleBenjamin cavelle@cpben.resnet.gatech.edu
Has anyone thought about trying to work with Corel on JOS? They are working on a Java based NetWinder (network computer). Maybe we could get them to open the source or help develop JOS, similar to the Linux NetWinder. Granted this would all depend upon the licensing.
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