Add FeatureRequests or Bugs on this page. Note though: if your bug/request description is longer than 5 lines, put it on a seperate page and link it from here or email me directly at
- File locking may be broken. I need to setup a cron job to automatically clean old locks but haven't gotten around to it yet. Work Around: You can ignore the lock (save changes as if the lock wasn't there). - IainS 07/05/99
__Feature Requests:__
- You know what would be cool is if: when you're editing a page, there'd be checkboxes next to the text area box, and you could categorize the page you're editing. You'd probably only have to do it one time, but then we could keep corresponding pages that have links to the wiki pages.
- For example, we could have some of these choices: User interface, networking, design, ideas, low-level, security, and miscellaneous. Then when the page's changes are saved, Wiki checks to see what categories it belongs to, and adds it to those category pages. This way we don't have to manually add links to new wiki pages, and we can always find relevant pages via the Categories.
- I got this idea when looking at the JosDesign page, and realizing it will be a pain to make everyone add links to those types of pages, even though it's a big help. --MasonZhwiti
Hey Thomas - guess what - this is planned ;-) I actually already wanted to have something similar in this version, but because I wanted to get the new Wiki online as soon as possible, I did not make it in time. -- MarkusPeter
__Fixed Bugs and Resolution:__
- I don't think Wiki correctly makes WikiLinks if the link is between parentheses: (TestMe) --BradNeuberg, 2/16/98
Well. I know about this... Wiki does not have a full HTML parser due to speed reasons, and therefore I cannot do certain things - MarkusPeter
Same reason as above
* Putting HTML at the end of an http or ftp link causes the HTML tag to be added to the link. For example, if I put the following:
Which appears as:
It tries to open<BR> instead of the link I wanted. -- RyanSullivan - Mar 10, 1998
Well.. Then add a space between the link and the tag.
* Um where is ExperimentalGuiGroup ? --BenKnowles 09 mar 98
It's ExperimentalGUIGroup ... I have to admit that I do not know why it's empty, so I guess somebody has deleted that page before we enabled the RCS.
It takes too much navigation to get from the site to a WikiWikiWeb page that contains a search button.
I'd like to see a portal from the collaborative area to the WikiWikiWeb. A start would be a link from to It would let the new users find a search button quickly. Later, we could make something more sophisticated.
When I click the "Edit button" and bring up the window in edit mode, I would like a search button, to find text. I would also like to be able to resize the window.
more of a feature request then a bug, someone should embed PrettyPrinter into Wiki so if I put something in a <CODE> block its auto-formatted for readability
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