Hi, everyone.
My name is Carlos Osuna and I used to work at the Virtual University of the ITESM System at Mexico. My job was to create virtual classrooms thru the use of the Internet and Satellite uplinks.We are currently broadcasting 4 satellite channels, using digital compressed video at 2.9Mbps, using 8-bit color. We signed an alliance with MVS of Mexico City to create the AVE (Virtual Enterprise Schoolroom) using MPEG technology.
Although no of the above are my areas, I'm working closely with the producers and technical people, so we could use our experience with GIFs in transmitting paletted video.At present I manage Under graduate courses and most of the professors are right here in MonterRey ** which is the industrial capital of Mexico.
My main interest are:and
- Java
- CorelOpenJ
- WindowsNT
- OpenNT
- Baseball--Specially LosSultanesdeMonterrey