The full text of the Constitution can be found at JosConstiution.
The process of voting on the Constitution is finally underway! On July 20, 1999, the vote to ratify the Constitution and corresponding PolicyBook was advertised on the mail list. If you have not subscribed to the vote-info list yet, you have exactly 14 days to do so. If you do not subscribe by August 2nd, 1999, you will not be eligable to vote. To subscribe to the mailing list, please proceed to
Here is the text of the vote advertisement:
Title: Ratification of Proposed JOS Constitution and Policy Book Type: Extraordinary Proposer: Avery J. Regier [] Seconder: Robert Fitzsimons [] Administrator: Iain Shigeoka []
Question: The JOS organization shall accept and ratify the proposed Constitution (referenced at ) and Policy Book (referenced at ) as binding on its members.
You may make the following votes: [a] Yes (approve the proposal as stated) [b] No (disapprove the proposal as stated) [c] Neither with explanation (disagree with the phrasing of the question or some other procedural matter) [d] Abstain (no preference either way)
Please email your responses to the Vote Administrator. Your response must be recieved by the Vote Administrator between the following days, August 3, 1999 and August 22, 1999, inclusive. ________________________________________________________
This proposal requires 66% of the total vote count to be 'Yes' votes for passage.
-- AveryRegier - 20 July 1999
The definitive copy of the Constitution is at VoteLiteProp.<BR> The definitive copy of the Policy Document is at VoteLitePolicy.<BR> A document explaining the rationale behind the proposed constitution is at VoteLiteFAQ.
We will proceed with a vote to ratify the Constitution formally after we establish membership. We will allow two months for people to subscribe to the mailing list before conducting the vote. Thus, the vote should take place about the first week of July. To subscribe to the mailing list, please proceed to
-- AveryRegier (23 Mar 99)
As a recap, the question asked was:
"If JOS were to adopt a formal constitution, including some form of elected committee or committee like group would you:<br> a) Agree with this in principle (depending on the exact wording of the constitution)<br> or b) Disagree with this in principle (no matter how the constitution was worded)"<br>
The results are as follows:
Total votes cast: 34<br> Votes for "a" (Agree): 31<br> Votes for "b" (Disagree): 3<br>
Putting this into percentage terms this is:
Votes for "a" (Agree): 91.2%<br> Votes for "b" (Disagree): 8.8%<br>
As you can see the membership has a clear preference for a formal constitution. Discussion on this issue will continue on the jos-requirements list.
Thanks once again to everyone that responded.
MatthewCaswell, 19 May 1998