Dale Asberry rdasberry@hotmail.com
My name is Dale Asberry and I became interested in FB two months ago when I "discovered" the open source concept when I first heard of Linux. I've spent a great deal of time thinking about open source and believe that for large, complex, universally applicable problems, it is a "moral good" (related to Robert Pirsig's "absolute quality.) Since coming to that conclusion, I've been trying to find an open source project that also interests me. Eventually, my travels through various Linux and Java links and newsgroups led me to FreeBuilder. (BTW, although Java is not open source, I believe that it is a step in the "moral good" direction - Java accomplishes far more desirable things than undesirable, all inherent "qualities" of the language itself).
Anyway, I have been programming since the age of 12 (approaching 2/3 of my life :-O) with the last 10 years being the focus of my career. The last couple of years I have seriously focused on business analysis and system design.
With my past in mind, my "thinking" as a developer has wavered from "concrete" development to recognition of design and developmental "patterns". When it came out, Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by the Gang of Four really struck a chord. Every successful, large project I'd worked on had many of those patterns.
So, as you might imagine, I have a strong affinity for analysis and
design using a "pattern" mindset, which I'd like to contribute to the
FreeBuilder project.