I am the author of the Jext text editor, registered in the JOS
project. I am currently finishing the first release of Dawn, a dynamic scripting language written in Java. I thought it may interest the JOS project...
Current release is 1.1 official [$18:58:37 08/03/00]
Latest changelog:
- Bug fix in arrays support (a stored array couldn't be recalled)
- Simple yet useful help summary is now packed in the archive
- Arrays support
- New 'exit' function which exits from the script
- Lines numbering fix in if/else statements
- Misc. fixes to remain backward compliant with JDK 1.1.x
- Dawn can be tested integrated in another application: Jext (http://www.jext.org in version 2.8)
Here are the main features Dawn offer:
- Java reflection
- based on RPN
- dynamic naming: create variable and methods names from String (capability of creating methods in loops !)
- scripts can dynamically override language default functions
- language based on a package set. Default ones are: array, io, javaccess, err, loops, test, util, math, stack, string...
Here are the ones planned for release 1.1:
Any application which embed Dawn can add its own package either as runtimes ones (unloaded when script finished) either as global ones (available for all the other scripts). Scripts can also load packages during execution and packages can request another package to be loaded. It could be interesting to distribute it in standard JOS package because it would provide a scripting language which could be shared by any JOS app. By the way, Jext will implement it as internal scripting language in the version 2.8.
With generate documentation, 459 kb:
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