Web links found with the hotbot search engine on distance education. The searches used the
names of three mailing lists on distance education: deos-l,
aednet and occ-l--which are discribed on this page as well.
'''deos''' is a mailing list, one of the old time ones that ends in -l (deos-l), which can be found at:
and some archives for the list and related publications which can be searched and linked to from the following at:
Another good www.hotbot.com search for distance ed links:
'''aednet''' is a mailing list on adult education, distance education which can be found at:
I found the Web site for the very nice Norwegian technical instiuted professor at the techical institute in Oslo with whom I corresponded years ago about listservs and other internet community things when I was using Marv's 1200 baud modem and lap top to explore the Internet via email. He is at:
and still into distance education and going strong.
My next search was based on occ-l
'''occ-l''' is the on-line college classroom mailing list hosted by Jim Shimabukuro for the community college component of distance and computer mediated education. Jim has a Web site for OCC at:
which includes archives to the mailing list. I was a charter member of his list and hung in there for about a year when it first started. I correponded with him and he, like the Norwegian professor earlier on, was very helpful.
The occ search turned up several community college sites with references to distance education including:
I did another search distance education based on the name of the community college as follows: