to produce a bean for searching and replacing text, in the format of Reader/Writer streams. Will be pluggable with multiple GUIs and TUIs. The bean will be divided into two ie Model and combined Views/Controllers (see ModelViewController), allowing multiple UIs.
This bean should contain the following features:
- Find and Replace - Using Reader/Writer streams
- Implementation of Enumeration or Iterator interfaces
- Using set methods:
- the user will set the text to be searched in the form of a Reader stream
- the text string being searched for
- a boolean whether to ignore case
- a boolean for whole words only
- Use of wildcards (?,*, !, etc) in search text (-- or how about a regular expression engine?)
- Optional search up, down or all from offset
- optional int indexed offset
- Using get methods:
- an int indexed postition of sub-string
- a Writer stream with Replaced text
These UIs should contain the following features:
- Shortcut keys, Pop-up menus, Drop down menus - Using java.awt or com.sun.java.swing or text based
Keep in mind - Maximum Code Reusability
See also the FindBean
Started: StefanBorg, 6 Nov 1997
Edited: StefanBorg, 10 Nov 1997, SimonSpringall 9 Nov 97
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