An HTTP daemon is a service that implements the HTTP protocol.
The Amairgin HTTPd product is now available available for download. It depends on Common Server Interface (CSI).
A next generation HTTP daemon should be a JOS program. A JOS program implements the org.jos.program2a.Program
Did you know?
The HTTP protocol is stream based. It can be implemented within a single process. Inter-process communication is not required to implement the protocol. A network interface card is not required. TCP/IP is required.
A servlet environment can run on the client-side of a network connection.
The next generation HTTP daemon must not expect to be the only application running.
A TCP port is a limited resource. Each port can have one and only one service. Each instance of HTTP daemon can listen to a different TCP port.
Many instances of HTTP daemon can run within a single user process.
Starting with the Service API, using asynchronous I/O model, a new program should be written to listen to a TCP/IP port. An off-the-shelf web browser will connect to the HTTP daemon. The HTTP daemon will print out everything sent from the browser to the service.
The HTTP daemon is a JOS program and can be started from the UniversalBrowser.
The HTTP daemon implements the ServiceListener
interface from the gchii.signature.service1a
The HTTP daemon will use the SmartAPI to open all kinds of digital resources.
The HTTP daemon will grow to support standard zip archives. Store HTML pages and images in an archive.
The HTTP daemon will grow to support a open-source servlet environment.