Created: 99.02.17 | Last Updated: 99.02.17 | Project Page: ProcessGroup is a good starting place | MailingList: |
This project started out of the need to design a ClassRepository. As I investigated the requirements I quickly realized that it encompasses everything from security to how processes are handled in the OS because of the central role that the ClassLoader plays in all of those areas of functionality. What has started to be defined is the org.jos.core.* package which will be used to implement much of java.lang.* .
Because one of the basic assumptions of the JavaVirtualMachine specification is that one process == one VM, running multiple Java processes which assume they are alone in the JVM all in one JVM requires some changes in the JOSVirtualMachine to support multiple processes. Some of org.jos.core.* will have to interact with the modified JVM to support the seperation of processes.
Current Status
AveryRegier is the sole somewhat active member of this project. I have monitored the status of Japhar, Chives, and the JavaDesktopMailingList in support of this project. In so doing I have compiled in my brain but nowhere else a long list of issues that need to be addressed, challenges to face in implementing this, and ideas for how to get it done. I have started defining org.jos.core.* in a very sketchy fashion in order to help my own thought processes.
Short Term Goals