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Since the logo above is now the "official" JOS logo, I thought I might just say a few words about it.

First of all, I was influenced by the original logo design which was a large yellow circle with J O S down the center of it. The yellow was slightly more pale than the current yellow (yellow-orange), and the resolution was not as high.

Never the less, I was inspired and so set out to make a logo worthy of the operating system itself. I started with that same yellow circle, except I made it a darker shade, and made it float to give a 3D effect. (The same effect used on each individual piece in the logo.)

I chose the Garamond font, because the capital 'J' in a Garamond-style font is much larger than the rest of the text, as can be seen in many Java-related logos and books. In the JOS logo, I wanted to take that to the next level, so I made this 'J' incredibly humongous when compared to the rest of the logo/lettering. It comes across as J-OS (sort of "spelled out"), which is probably the way most people say it.

The 'OS' portion was tacked on in a much smaller font size. I messed with a bunch of different things here, trying to get the type to be balanced on the floating circle. I knew something had to be added to it to weigh it down more, so I experimented with different symbols. Eventually the yin-yang found its way in there.

The yin-yang symbol is not a religious symbol, although it is most commonly associated with taoism. In its simplest form, it represents "the struggle of the opposites." (Not necessarily a struggle between good and evil, just a struggle between opposites.)

I am not a taoist. That yin-yang (which represents the struggle between "dark" & "light") was not meant to imply anything religious whatsoever. What I included with the readme (when I sent in the logo) was this:

The yin-yang centered within the 'O' of "JOS" represents this java operating system we're trying to create. It is centered directly between Yin ("the shadowy slope" of innovation) and Yang (the "illumination" of a truly open operating system).

The logo was created in ULead PhotoImpact. The entire logo was created using anti-aliased fonts and the 3d text effect in ULead. The text is Garamond font, and the large circle and yin-yang were created with the Wingdings font. It is available in true color .ufo (Ulead File Object) format, as well as gif and jpg. I will be working on many more versions of the logo (different sizes/resolutions/types/etc), and will post them here when done.

Thanks to everyone that voted for the logo, I'm glad you like it.

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