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KernelInterface ] [ not logged in ] [ Web: Imported ] goto:  options
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Kernel Interface

I've updated the files in the kernel interface, and added a document which describe how to implement and use the kernel interface. You can look at the changes at http://jos.org/cvsweb.cgi/jos/interfaces/kernel/.

This is the document so far. Please don't make changes to the document on this page, instead checkout a copy of the file from CVS and send me a patch of your changes.

Kernel Interface

Atomic Operation's
Data Type's
Input Output Port's
Inter Thread Communication
Linear Memory
Variable Argument's
Virtual Memory


kint kdebug_printf(kuint level, kuint8* format, ...);

Return value:

Name					  Value
----					  -----
kdebug_error			0
kdebug_information	1
kdebug_warning		 2
kdebug_trace			3

Data Types

This interface defines most of the data types and values used
throughout the Kernel Interface.  Some of these data types have
defined sizes set by the interface, and others are platform

These data types and values are defined in the 'ktype.h' header
file.  Note: To allow the 'ktype.h' header file to be shared by all
implementations of the interface, the header file includes the
'kernel_type.h' header file from the kernel implementation.  It is
this file which actually defines all the data types and values.

Data types table:

Name		 Size					 Type
----		 ----					 ----
kint		 platform specific	signed two's complement integer
kint8		8  bits				 signed two's complement integer
kint16	  16 bits				 signed two's complement integer
kint32	  32 bits				 signed two's complement integer
kint64	  64 bits				 signed two's complement integer
kuint		platform specific	unsigned integer
kuint8	  8  bits				 unsigned integer
kuint16	 16 bits				 unsigned integer
kuint32	 32 bits				 unsigned integer
kuint64	 64 bits				 unsigned integer
kfloat	  platfrom specific	IEEE 754 floating point number
kfloat32	32 bits				 IEEE 754 floating point number
kfloat64	64 bits				 IEEE 754 floating point number
khandle	 platform specific	kernel specific

 * The size in bits of a platform specific integer data type is
	greater than or equal to the size in bits of a pointer on that
 * The size in bits of a platform specific floating point number data
	type is greater than or equal to the size in bits of the kfloat64
	data type.
 * The khandle data type is kernel implementation specific.  The only
	operation premitted on this data type outside of the kernel
	implementation is the printing of it's value for debugging
	propocess.  When it's value is being printed it should be treated
	as an unsigned integer.

There are also three data values defined by this interface, ktrue,
kfalse, and knull.

Data values table:

Name		 Value
----		 -----
ktrue		value when an expression elevates as true
kfalse	  value when an expression elevates as false
knull		value of a null pointer

-- RobertFitzsimons (30 June 1999)

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