Marco Weber
My name is Marco Weber, a German student. I have been working with Java since the release 1.0 (2 years ago).
Currently I'm developing an Online Shopping System based on Java, which should be published as a low-cost alternative to the existing E-Commerce-Systems. I could own a lot of experiences in working with JDBC and relational Database Systems.
I am also an author of several articles in German Magazines, including the Java Spektrum (Europe Version of Java Report) and our well-known "c't". These articles cover Multi-Threading, Networking and at least RMI.
I am interested in writing code for core applications of JOS. I have written some Java Beans-based Server modules which could provide a good base for JOS' Database Connectivity.
I'm also experienced in working with several Internet protocols starting at the low-level with TCP/IP, UDP up to application level with HTTP, FTP including there connections to object communication mechanisms (CORBA, RMI) and the migrations between them.
I would be very glad to join your group and your very interesting project.
Thanks for your interest.
Marco Weber