Article contributed by GilbertHerschberger (16 March 2000).
As a new member of the JOS Project, you show your support of our mission, our shared goals. It is desireable, but not required, to share our strategy, tactics and work plan.
If possible, put your e-mail address on your member page.
In general, we make every effort to to reduce the complexity of an operating system. We start with the assumptions of Java: bytecode interpreter, dynamic shared libraries, object-oriented, very large namespace, simple C-like language extended through custom libraries. We go to the next step: removing most of a foreign operating system layer from below a virtual machine. We are exploring all possibilities. We have kept a complete record of what we were thinking at each step along the way.
The JOS Project provides many benefits for the larger Java community and software industry in general. We have provided links to other projects, both commercial and non-commercial, both similar and different. We have collected definitions for many of the industries acronyms. We have challenged the notion of what is and what is not an operating system.
Full membership in the JOS Project is intangible. It is earned. It requires a lot of hard work and acceptance of work from other members. It is a community effort. It is teamwork.
Before you become a member, we have provided a lot of information to explain what this project is about. It is about many things. We would like to provide enough information about the project so that you know whether or not you'd like to join.
Lurking is encouraged. You do not have to become a member to read the hundreds of articles on JOS Wiki, messages on our mailing lists. You do not have to become a member to download the products and use them to get your work done.
A member of the JOS Wiki can publish JOS-related articles. The first article you should write is your own.
A community works when people make a connection. Connections between people gets work done. A peer-to-peer connection works best on a community project. Peers learn from each other as they work together. A mentor and apprentice is a tenuous connection between an old members and new. An apprentice learns new skills from a mentor with years of experience.
People make connections through e-mail. You can contact other members. Other members might like to contact you. If possible, provide your e-mail address on your member page. Other members of the JOS Project might like to write you directly through e-mail.
People make connections through mailing lists. As a new member, you should make a goal to read through the mailing list archives that interest you. Start at the beginning.
People make connections through articles on JOS Wiki. As a new member, make a goal to read through all of the articles that interest you. Start at Search or Glossary.