Thomas, at this time I'm not to certain how to go about doing this, that was one of the things I was asing on the list.
This is an idea that I've been toying with for some time now. I've been loking at the structure and design of the TCP/IP protocol suite a lot lately, thinking that there could be a way to clean it up.
However, after considerng what was mentioned on the list about the compatibility, I'll hold off on that, and either try and write another protocol later, or submit my ideas to WC3 for consideration in the next version of their standard.
--WaynePierce 12/5/97
I currently working on aa DNS server for JOS. Anyone want to talk about implementing TCP/IP and or Berkely sockets?
-David Adams 12/5/97
Sure, I'll help where I can. (I need to do some homework on this)
-WaynePierce 12/7/97
- Chris Lee 12/22/97
Are you referring to a form of load balancing, between two or more computers using this DNS program and JOS? What would the security implications be?
--WaynePierce 12/22/97
Load balancing like this requires some sort of intelligent client to be run on each machine. Until more of the OS gets written, this can't be done, or even designed.
-David Adams /12/31/97
If a host has an acl (maybe LDAP compliant) and the hosts are listed as objects in a directory a access can be given to other hosts or all hosts to use power, if it is an extention to DNS it can be limited to local domains.
-Chris Lee 01/05/98
-David Adams 01/07/98
Hi everybody, I'm not really an expert but i think i can learn and i've a high interest in helping in this project
-Ryan Sullivan 27.1.98