The two most important commands for an Open Portal Page Obj is the display command and the _configure command_
When these two commands are executed on a Page Obj, the Page Obj processes the commands and outputs html in response. This html is then sent back to the client.
Since everything in the system is wrapped by the Page Obj interface, including system managers, everything can be Configured and Displayed. This is similar to polymorphism, because we can send any object in the Open Portal system the configure command and get an html form to configure and administrate it.
The Payoff: A system that is completely manipulatable and administratable through the web. The Why: To form the roving, dynamic communities I discussed in my last presentation.
Open Portal Slogan: Discussions that transform into web sites, web sites that transform into discussions. Living Webs
Further, due to the use of Command URL's as our messaging system, every Page Obj can interact with other Page Obj's as if one is a client and the other is a browser. Raises very interesting possibility of light-weight distributed web sites
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