GettingStartedDevelopment; DevelopmentPages
If so, place your WikiName (the one in the MemberList) and email address in a few categories that you are quite proficient and knowledgable about. By putting a Resource name after your name, you are making it known that you are proficient at a certain skill or technology and can give advice to JOS members who contact you. Try to only list one or two Resources, so that the resources of each JOS member is focused, and so that you will not be overwhelmed by email. If a Resource topic that you are familiar with is not below, add it to the list; make sure that you add the word Resource to the end of your new Resource name. In the future, Wiki might automate these Resource names, and the Resource ending will help it to do so. Also, note that the Resources are in alphabetical order. As JOS develops, the Resources page will be a starting point for networking our knowledge.
The page is split up into smaller pieces now. MaxBerger, July 24, 1999