WebSource(tm) (GilbertHerschberger) - Generate static HTML pages from Java source code.
UniversalBrowser (GilbertHerschberger) - AWT-based browser environment distributed with Smart API. Sample browsers include Applet Browser, Connection Browser, Desktop Browser, Finder Browser, PlainText Browser, Program Browser, Property Browser and Token Browser. Sample programs include Find, SmartList, TextSearch and many more.
BulkMake (GilbertHerschberger) - A collection of package-oriented tools for Java programming.
BootDisk (GilbertHerschberger) - Make your own Etherboot or GRUB boot disk. Tested with both Linux(r) and Windows(tm).
AJavaGpaCalculator (GregSchenzel) This is a customizeable GPA Calulator that maintains a data file for your settings (class names, grades, etc...). I will add the source code when it looks better. Product has been tested with Sun JDK 1.3 on MS Windows 2000.
NewLine (GregSchenzel) This nifty little utility will change newLine characters from one standard to the other. The supplied run.bat or run.sh file will convert the readme.
GsCalculator (GregSchenzel) This is a nifty little calculator. It will take keyboard input for all functions, except "-/+" and "Clr".
This is a centralized download area. Please list your product (including version number), primary contact person, date posted, short description, link to Wiki page for more info (if the product name isn't already a WikiName), and links to binary and source jars.
Content of these pages are owned and copyrighted by the poster.