First and foremost, this page uses--and abuses--of HTML.
All type should be written using Verdana, Georgia, Trebuchet MS or any other of the new Typefaces for the Web. Of course, they are of Microsoft, but who cares if they're all free, so let's use 'em.
We believe that the people interested in this project could be Graphic Designers looking for a freeware version of FrontPage, DreamWeaver; or enterprising programmers interested in creating a WYIWYG version of the WikiClone. Both need a graphicaly powerful tool that runs everywhere. What better way, than to do it in Java.
I believe that we have three alternatives.
- Create a JavaScript enabled edit form, with an HTML tool bar. So people could type text in a special box and apply HTML styling. An insert button would then processed text to the main textarea.
If you have additional ideas of this scheme, list them below.
- Create a Java applet. Complete with edit area, toolbox, without a menu bar. It's important that this applet work either on MSIE and/or Netscape/Mozilla. So it should work under Microsoft's VM, so it must conform with JDK 1.0 not JDK 1.1.
If you have additional ideas of this scheme, list them below.
- Create a Java 1.1 application, using JDK 1.1 or better yet, using JRE 1.1. This app could run using the Java Plug-in, and could use some of the better features of 1.1 and 1.2 such as Swing, Drag-and-Drop, etc. This one, should also work with the upcoming org.jos.fs.Explorer. This one could be JOS-aware.
If you have additional ideas of this scheme, list them below.Since all could be useful in a given time frame, I would recomend three separate groups incrementally developing one from the other. But of course, let the mayority rule.
So we can have a ordered development cycle, I've decided to run this page in an unorthodox way. First, let's define the user interface, so as to let people with little knowledge of Java, get involved in the early stages of this proyect.
I have divided the UI work into three areas. You can create Toolbars in either Windows 95, ActiveX-style (3D at mouseover) or Java (Metal under Swing) Look and Feel. Its important that all Toolbars be of aproximately the same size and using no more than 256 with the Web safe palette.
- The Main Toolbar. It must include
- A Save in Wiki Button
- A Save as File Button
- A Cut Button
- A Copy Button
- A Paste Button
- An Undo Button
- A Redo Button
- A Preview Button (if possible)
Please insert the GIF image of your main toolbar below this lines. If possible split the image and use the ALT tag, to describe the button name and its use.
Save in Wiki Save as File Cut Copy Paste Undo Redo Preview
- The Editor Toolbar. It could include
- A Style Drop Down Menu
- A Bold Button
- An Italic Button
- A Font Color Drop Down Menu
- A Bullet Button
- A Numbered List Button
- A Blockquote Button
- A Un-blockquote Button
- A Left Align Button
- A Center Align Button
- A Right Align Button (optional)
- An Horizontal Rule Button
- An Image Insert Button
- A Hyperlink Button.
Please insert the GIF image of your editor toolbar below this lines. If possible split the image and use the ALT tag, to describe the button name and its use.
Style Menu Bold Italic Color Bullet Num Blockquote td align="center">UnBlockquoteLeft Center Right HR Image Link
- Last but not least, the Menu Bar. This is open, as the toolbars, to discussion and may take longer. Alas, the first two incarnations of the editor need no menu bar, so this might as well wait until a JOS menu system is developed.
Pesonaly I would like to see an editor bean that could be added to other applications like FreeBuilder. WeoLopez
Please feel free to edit any or all of the parts of this document, just add your name to the list below.
Original Idea: PosaniSuresh
[ 03-June-1998
Bean Idea:
[ 29-June-1998
Page Posted by: CarlosOsuna [ 25/jun/98 ]
Your Contribution: ??? [ ?? ]