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Suggestions for OS components features/requirements

(Sort of a "wish-list" -- IaRad, iaJava@yahoo.com ) This is supposed to start a requirements analysis effort, I was thinking... I like the method suggested in InquiryCycleRequirementsAnalysis (which I'll summarize, soon)...

Non-specific Overview of Requirements

  1. 100% Java compatibility - with JDK 1.2(+).
  2. All software must be able to run on any 1.2(+) compatible VM.
  3. [add your requirement too]
  1. Realtime scheduling
  2. Portable
  3. Protected memory
  4. Virtual memory (VMM)
  5. Shared code libraries (DLLs)
  6. [add your feature too]
  1. Object-oriented database
  2. Distributed (networked)
  3. High reliability, robust, ACID (transactions)
[add your feature too]
Device Drivers (Support for Hardware)
  1. Hot-swappable: Dynamic loading and unloading of device drivers
  2. Fully Plug-and-play, detection, auto-configuration
  3. Graphics device independence (GDI)
  4. Colors management
  5. Usual hardware support (mouse, CD, modem, CDR, ... MIDI?)
  6. [add your feature too]
Graphic User Interface (GUI)
  1. Realtime response
  2. Framework for applications (large GUI components library)
  3. Drag-and-drop (Direct manipulation) in many contexts
  4. High-level and consistent metaphores
  5. HyperMedia capabilities (also VRML)
  6. [add your feature too]
Editing (Productivity) Tools
  1. Text editing
    1. WYSIWYG text editing, styles, layout, embedable graphics, tables (spreadsheets), ...
    2. Convert to/from PostScript, PDF, MS-Word, other portable doc formats (SGML, XML, ...?)
  2. Graphics editing -- multiple graphics formats, including engineering drawings, video, ...
  3. Backup tools, CDR copying tools
  4. [add your feature too]
Web Tools
  1. Web browser (all other tools integrated: Mail reader, Usenet) -- Netscape? Jozilla? HotJava? ...?
  2. Support for protocols: HTTP, SHTTP, FTP, NNTP, SMTP, PPP, POP3, ...
  3. Dialer (modem/fax tools too?)
  4. [add your feature too]
Automatic Installation
  1. Hardware configuration (Plug-and-play)
  2. Single/multi user (preference sets, accounts, security, ...)
  3. [add your feature too]
Software/Java Development Tools
  1. JVM: JDK port, or kaffe? GVM? ...?
  2. Java compiler: JDK port, or guavac? ...?
  3. Core classes: JDK port, or Kore? Debian Classpath? JOS? ...?
  4. IDE: FreeBuilder, VisualCoffee, ...?
Other Development Tools
  1. gcc, gdb, ...
  2. Web server: Appache? httpd? ...
  3. Mail server: sendmail? ...?
  4. Tcl? Perl? ...
Other Stuff?? Also
Inspiring Projects and Softeks?
  1. CORDS: 'A Distributed Systems Architecture', IBM Systems Journal v33 n3 1994 p399
  2. Linda: a parallel system model, in 'The Metamorphosis of Information Management', ScAm 89aug p54
  3. Oberon/F (Byte 95jan p227; some docs from the Web)
  4. 'Small-Office Computing', special report, Byte 95jan p120
  5. Ubiquitous Computing!
  6. [add your resources too, please!]

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