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<A HREF="http://cjos.sourceforge.net/redist/srcserv1d/org.jos.games.minefield.index.html">org.jos.games.minefield</A>

The package contains games specifically designed for JOS, but that could also run without the OS (they will be 100% Pure).

We have two games under development, see the packages bellow:

|---org.jos.games.minesweeper Minsweeper

org.jos.games.jcolony JColony | |---org.jos.games.jcolony.alife
| |---org.jos.games.jcolony.alife.dna | |---org.jos.games.jcolony.alife.fungus | |---org.jos.games.jcolony.alife.bacteria | ---org.jos.games.jcolony.alife.microorganisms | ---org.jos.games.jcolony.planet | |---org.jos.games.jcolony.planet.terrain |---org.jos.games.jcolony.planet.weather ---org.jos.games.jcolony.planet.resources


Bad practice

Do not add more games to this package. A games is a kind of application. Like applications, games should not be centralized. -- GilbertHerschberger (31 August 2000).

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