Words written like WikiCapsNotation will produce a link.
WikiCapsNotation is defined by having one or more capitol letters, followed by one or more lowercase letters, followed by at least one capitol letter (and then followed by zero or more letters of any kind). This is also referred to as "intercapping" or "camel hump capitolization". Thus, ABCdef is not WikiCapsNotation, AbC is, ABcD is, AbCDefg is, etc.
Some guidelines :
- Words that are only one word long won't produce a link. You have to use link and /link as tags. So "foo" isn't a link, but "foo" is. An exception are all upper case words like XML - if there is already a text for them, they are linked, but if there is no text for them, the ? for editting is not shown.
- Don't include articles (The, An, A)
- Don't include modifiers that indicate quantification (One,Many,Each) __unless__ the quantification is an important part of the concept
- Check TheGlossary to see if a similar entry already exists
__NOTE__: These are just guidelines, suggested to promote easier navigation of WikiClone --BillRehm
Content of these pages are owned and copyrighted by the poster.
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