I suggest that we keep collecting catchwords on this page until 29-Mar-98 (Sunday). Then someone who has an eloquent tongue (who has written the excellent front page text?) recasts the items into a continuous text ready to release on jos-announce on 31-Mar-98.
StefanReich, 24-Mar-98
OmegaBaphomet 1998.
Besides, is there some one who wants to write the text?
--StefanReich, 30-Mar-98
--StefanReich, 30-Mar-98
Don't worry about formatting, it'll be re-written anyway to make it press-release like. Please focus on jotting down any content and providing pointers so that I know where on the Wiki/www to look when I sit down Wedsday afternoon and write it up. I'll send it out early next Week (Tues the 6th?) after a review on Thursday/Friday. There is no huge rush here. I have corporate info that dosn't happen untill Thursday or Friday that I want to include anyway. Seeing a marketing friend in NYC to discuss how to best spread the word. - ClarkEvans
I'm wondering why people don't come and add their "pointers" to this page. For a lot of guys have developed ideas and code (KeithMason, RobertFitzsimons, BradNeuberg, any many others). Of course, nothing's finished, but why be ashamed of it?
First I thought of adding those pointers myself, but then I realized it's not my job. It's the job of those who created the stuff.
May the next quarter be even more productive than the last one! (I'm absolutely sure it will be.)
--StefanReich, 32-Mar-98 (approx.)
I added some stuff. -- RobertFitzsimons (31 March 1998)
Fixed a few hours. This should be going out to the announcement list soon.
Stefan, sorry about spelling your name wrong. :( I can just hear Mrs. Angott, my 11th grade English teacher blurting: "Your paper is atrocious, C------- gift. And Clark, pllleeaaseee remember, i before e, except after c.... and several thousand other exceptions, of which your misspelling is not one. Stick with math and computers, trust me." She will have heart failure when she learns I am writing a book. :)
Best, Clark